
that awkward stage

I feel like I'm currently in a really awkward phase of my life right now. I don't really feel like I went through a terribly awkward stage in middle school, probably because I was one of the "mean girls" and then once I got to high school I was just over it all and really just wanted to be 22. So now at 22 (almost 23) I think I've hit the awkward stage of my life. I think that a big reason I feel this way is because, for the first time that I can remember, I'm not going to school this fall. Nor do I have a job with a start date in the next few months. So basically I'm just kind of floating through life right now. I feel like I really can't commit to anything right now because I have NO IDEA what is going on with my life. I'm kind of living week by week and who knows what I'll be doing next (okay it's probably not that bad). But I really can't commit to anything because I don't want to say that I can be a part of something if I'm only going to be there for 2 or so weeks. I realize that some people may thing I should just commit, even if it is only for 2 weeks. I really can't do that though because there is this {big} part of me that likes to plan and follow through with that plan. So basically it's just an awkward hang-up of mine but hey it makes me who I am. This whole floating through life is a pretty weird feeling and I'd really like for it to stop. I also probably feel like I'm just floating through life because I don't really feel like I "fit in" anywhere right now. This one is hard to explain and I'm not even sure where to start with trying to explain it. But I just feel like I don't really fit in right now. So yup I'm definitely just going through my awkward phase now, at 22, instead of at 12. But maybe I'll be able to handle it more gracefully than I would have at 12. Let's just hope I avoid the whole mean girl phase this time.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog and the links! Super helpful to talk to other moms going through the same thing!

    I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone! I think almost everyone goes through that post-college/pre-career stage. I had a whole semester before I finally found a full-time job and it was so awkward. I didn't know where I fit in and felt like I was just flowndering. It's especially hard when you have friends that went straight to careers. You'll figure it out! :)
