
Job Search: Take 2

I really would like to blog but i don't think I have anything to say. Which, if you know me, is somewhat of a shock. I'm currently watching Teen Mom and it's a 90 minute episode but I'm pretty sure I'll be asleep before it's over. Good thing MTV will re-air this episode only a million times in the next week. 
Tomorrow is the Career Fair and then the Recruiter's Picnic. I haven't really been thinking about the whole job thing because I've known that there was really very little I could do until this picnic. Now that it's here, I'm slightly panicked but I still think I should feel way more anxious and nervous than I do. But I guess that's really a blessing. Anyways the job search really, officially starts again tomorrow...and I really, really need to find a job. I definitely have my idea of what my dream {accounting} job would be (which is obviously different than my dream job, because hello who dreams of an accounting job). But, unlike my list for my future husband, I'm willing to make serious adjustments for the job hunt. I would love to stay in Greenville but I'm obviously not in a position to turn down a job offer in another city. That would just mean that I'd have to visit all the time and start over in another city, but those are both things I could do. 
So yeah, tomorrow is a big day. And watching Teen Mom is making me feel a lot better about my life, but it always does that. I guess I should finalize what I'm wearing tomorrow...but I really, really need Amy for that! Guess I'll be sending her pictures so she can help me look professional and then business casual. I seriously need an accounting job where I can wear cute dresses, cardigans and ruffles to work each day. 

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