
25 things about me

on facebook a few years ago (february 13 of 2009 to be exact) i jumped on the bandwagon and wrote a note of 25 things about me...and it recently appeared on the side of my facebook again. I really enjoyed reading them and thought I'd post them here...and add a few comments about things that have (or haven't) changed since then
(also I was in the spring of my junior year at Clemson at this time)

1. I'm easily addicted to teenage drama television shows....just to name a few: The O.C., One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl....
*i've moved along to different, but still smut, television shows. I now enjoy the real housewives of where   ever & most eligible dallas but I've upgraded and now watch How I Met your Mother, The Big Bang Theory and lots of others
2. I eat at Moe's 2-3 times a week while at Clemson but the idea of eating at Moe's while not at Clemson does not appeal to me at all.
*i don't eat at Moe's that often anymore, mostly because I'm not in Clemson. But I will always remember all the time I spent at the Moe's in Clemson
3. I'm very O.C.D. about random things.
*very true 
4. I really enjoy cleaning, especially the kitchen.
*still love cleaning and honestly I'd rather just clean the kitchen myself because I'm pretty sure that your way isn't sufficient for me...
5. Black and Brown are never okay to wear together.
 *duh-some things will NEVER be okay
6. There was a phase in my life where sheep were really important and if we ever sang the song 'I am a Sheep' at church I had to leave the room.
7. I love happy hour at Sonic....diet coke with cranberry is my current favorite.
 *.99 drinks early in the morning were clutch with Becker and studying for the CPA exam. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have made it without Sonic!
8. I really like cooking and especially baking but I rarely eat what I bake....
*still true, i miss having groups of people to bake for
9. My closet was organized by color all throughout high school and I can't wait for larger closet so I can so that again...in fact I'm probably gonna try as soon as I get done with this.
 *one of the things I'm most excited about in my new apartment (which will happen once I get a job) is organizing my closet....seriously like I can't WAIT!
10. I love Sharpies and have a jar of them on my desk...and a lot more in a box on my desk...
*my love of sharpies is still going strong
11. I've started going to the gym this year and I am really surprised that I have stuck with it for this long.
 *the gym lasted until March maybe...and it hasn't started back yet...one day...maybe when I have kids to take on a walk or something
12. I'm currently obsessed with tights....my favorite pair are hot pink....
 *still obsessed with tights...best thing about it getting colder is I get to pull out my box of tights
13. When the weather is nice outside and I'm walking around on campus I'm reminded of why I love Clemson...not that I ever forget...
14. I really want a tattoo but can't decide on the what and where of it....
*nope, I no longer have any desire to get a tattoo...AT ALL
15. I can't wait to get my class ring....April!
*i love wearing my Clemson ring and if I forget to wear it one day, I feel really awkward and wrong
16. I have random pieces of Rachael Ray cookware and can't wait until I can buy the entire set.
*got a complete set of cookware for undergrad graduation...and i LOVE it!! 
17. I sometimes worry that I won't be able to find a job when I graduate...next May....
*I pretty much always worry that 23 year old me with a Masters won't be able to find a job....
18. I had a pretty great childhood, which I definitely did not appreciate enough at the time.
19. I love Christmas time because wrapping gifts is one of my all time favorite things to do.
*gift wrapping = love (pinterest will only make this even better!)
20. I really enjoy reading The Message Remix version of the Bible but I don't take it to church because it's hard to read out loud in class due to the way the verses are split up.
21. I have a lot of music (mostly random) in itunes that I have never listened too and probably never will....
22. I actually like school and I'll be sad when I'm done.
*i definitely needed a break after grad school but I do miss it, especially the structure 
23. I use different shampoo and conditioner depending on if I'm straightening or curling my hair.
*okay doesn't everyone do this?!?
24. I think DVR might be one of the greatest inventions ever.
*obviously...and having netflix stream through the wii is also pretty clutch
25. I wrote this list out before I typed it in Facebook to make sure I included everything I wanted too and that I liked the order...O.C.D. I know...

So there you have it...now you know a little more about me. I find it amusing that all of these (except for the tattoo) are still completely true about me.  In place of the tattoo fact, I would just say that I really like sending cards in the actual US postal service. I think that people really like receiving an actual piece of mail, not just a facebook wall post. 

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