
Life Reminder {2}

i know i said i was going to stop with the posts on this topic...but i first read this last night and i've enjoyed reading it again today. i figured it was definitely worth a post, if for no other reason than i might need to read this yet again

the following article can be found here

Given some of the questions, I just want to address one additional thought from that post -- the tension between idolatry and desire. Here it is in a nutshell: It's not wrong to want a good thing, especially a good thing that God created and instituted from the beginning of creation! So desiring marriage is fine. It's the strength of that desire that we have to monitor. When that desire becomes so dominating that our worship of God is dented or diminished, we know right away that we have crossed the line into idolatry. We can't be satisfied with all of our other blessings, because we run everything through the growing demand for a husband. 
Here are some warning signs to consider. This is by no means exhaustive, but it could be helpful:
  • You find it hard to pray because you think God doesn't want to bless you.
  • You aren't thankful for all the other answered prayers and blessings in your life.
  • You withdraw from others who are getting married or in relationships. (I do understand how hard it can be when someone else enters a relationship, especially with a man you are interested in. Being knocked off-balance by disappointment is common and it takes time to grieve lost hopes. But it should be temporary. If it becomes a permanent way of relating to others, then you've entered the place of bitterness and idolatry.)
  • You go to church more aware of the human relationships around you (ones you envy, ones you want) than your relationship with God. 
  • You think you have no purpose in the Kingdom because you are single, so therefore you don't serve others in the church or outside of it. You've begun to believe the Enemy's lie that nothing good can come out of this season of your life. 
  • Any discussion of marriage or singleness is a sore spot for you, one that keeps bringing you back to the idea that God is withholding something good from you.
Like I said, this is not an exhaustive list, just something to consider. My main reason for posting this today is to encourage you not to lose the joy of your salvation as you wait on God. He may or may not answer your prayers the way you want, but you can be sure there is a wonderful purpose behind His plans for you.

the article referenced at the beginning, why pray for a husband, can be found here
I know this is slightly out of order but i also wanted to include a favorite paragraph from that article

To be honest, I have not always rejoiced at the weddings of others. At least not initially. But the more I’ve encountered the faithfulness of God, the easier it has become. Taking note of answered prayers is the best antidote I know for overcoming the forlorn assumption that your own prayers go unanswered. Soon you will see an abundance of prayers are answered every day, which balances out the long wait for other prayer requests.

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