
Friday, Friday!

Happy Friday Y'all!

{linking up with lauren from my grey desk for high five for friday}

so i've had a pretty awesome week and here are a few reasons why...

1. tuesday was my birthday and it was pretty much the greatest birthday ever...because CPA exam scores were released and i [finally] passed REG so now i'm done...well I just have to find a job. But i really hope that the hard part is over, because man that test is not fun at all!
2. it's college football season [and this deserves a post of it's own] but I'm so excited to be back in Clemson and surrounded by orange. even if it was so hot last Saturday i seriously thought i was going to die. but there is something about watching college gameday on Saturday morning that just makes me feel like everything is right with the world...
3. partly as a reward for passing the CPA and partly because it won't be a distraction from studying now, I'm going to get Netflix...or Hulu Plus. But i'm leaning towards Netflix currently
4. i've mentioned that i have been wanting to get more involved with the youth girls at church. well while i'm working on a plan to successfully make that happen, i was asked if i would be interested in visiting with the youth girls at a children's home that the church works with once or twice a month. this is definitely one of those things that i would have never considered before but i'm leaning towards giving it a try. it's so hard for me to believe that i've transitioned out of the youth group to a young woman of the church. seriously, when did this happen...i know it's been over 6 years since i've been in a youth group, but still...
5. the twins are at a pretty great age. we went to the zoo a few weeks ago and i want to go on more adventures like that. i feel like both of them are understanding more and more and i swear Riggs' and i actually carried on a conversation earlier today.

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely recommend netflix over hulu plus. With hulu plus there's a ton of shows that you can only watch the most recent episodes, whereas with netflix you can see the whole seasons of things. I just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)
