
2 posts...

within the past 24 hours, both of these blog posts have been brought to my attention. 
the first one i just love the title : it's like blogging, but with boys
i have to admit, i have considered online dating and this post makes me think maybe i need to seriously consider it. i mean, i don't really have a lot of outlets where i am likely to meet someone. and even when i was in college, i clearly wasn't successful in finding anyone. i especially liked the line about how ashley and tyler share a lot of the same morals and beliefs and how that makes things easier. i think that right there is one reason that online dating might work better for me. i'm not opposed to going out to a bar and meeting someone. i just feel like i'm really not going to meet the boy that way. so yup, i'm considering online dating. 
the second article has to be on the best things i've ever read. when i read these 2 paragraphs (and especially the last sentence which sums me up pretty accurately), I knew this article was for me. "There are a lot of girls out there who don’t know who God is anymore – the God of their youth group years just isn’t working out. Back then, that God said to wait for sex until they are married, until He brings the right man along for a husband. They signed a card and put it on the altar and pledged to wait." & "Some of them have prayed their whole lives for a husband, and he hasn’t shown up. They’ve heard the advice to “be the woman God made you to be, focus on that, and then the husband will come.” They’ve read “Lady in Waiting,” gotten super involved in church and honed their domestic skills."
I honestly feel as if i could copy every single sentence from this article, i love it that much!! I love that the author puts out there my greatest fear: that if God doesn't answer my prayer after i've held up my end of the bargain, why would he answer any others? 
i have always known that i'd like to be involved with the middle/high school girls at church in some way. i recently talked with someone else about leading a bible study with those girls. i can't wait for this to happen. i think i might end up getting more out of it then they do. but either way, i'm looking forward to the relationships that will be built through this. but if there is one thing i can encourage them with, it's what the article says about the poem on her bulletin board. i want them to fall in love with Jesus. that's it...not that one day when you are fully satisfied in God, he will bring your husband into your life. honestly there are so many things wrong with that thought process...but i've fallen into that train of thought so many times. and it never leads anywhere good. so, from now, i'm just going to focus on falling in love with Jesus. 
i am sure that i will be mentioning this article again and again...and i'll let you know if any progress is made on the dating front...online or not!

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