
Kelly's blog post (which can be found here) really made my day. In fact, I'm pretty sure it made my week. I definitely have it bookmarked and I know that there will be future moments when I need the reminder and I go back to her post. I love how open and honest she is concerning her feelings of singleness. I related to a lot of what she posted about, including the notion that what your suppose to do is go to college and find "the one".  I know I've talked about my feelings about this so I'll just spare you the repeat and move on to another point.
I also really related to the idea of going to a Christian college to "help" the process along. While I did not go to a Christian college, most of my best friends from high school did. I have often wondered how different my life would be if I would have just gone to college with them. While I may have had moments of doubt that I made the wrong choice I'm always brought back to how certain I was in my decision when I graduated from high school. And then I think about all the small (and big) things that have happened to me in the last 5 years and I know that I definitely made the right choice. After all, God doesn't really need me to "help" him along. But I was super glad to see that someone else had such similar thoughts as I did/do.
Kelly also touched on the idea of not hurting your self esteem while in the season of singleness. [season of singleness is a term from lady in waiting] I think this is something that I also relate too but I was never able to really label what I was feeling. Kelly did a great job with that (for me at least). I think that's it is really hard to not feel like your inadequate when you just can't seem to acquire what you truly want. It doesn't help that every single time I check facebook a different someone from high school is either engaged or married. [i will say that i haven't had to go through any of my really good friends getting married. i'm sure that will be rough in its own special way. i should also mention that i tend to hang out with a lot of married people so maybe i'll just avoid this step mostly anyways] But back to the self-esteem issue. I know that I'm only 22 (soon to be 23) so maybe some people think that I'm way too young to even be worried about this but I'm not, trust me! And the fact that this is the one thing that I really, really want, it's super hard to be patient. But more than that, it's hard not to think that the reason I'm not engaged/married already is because of me. And this certainly is not a constant thought of mine, but every once in a while it enters my mind. However normally I just move right along in my thinking with thoughts of how special and unique the "one" for me will be. And that whoever that might be, just isn't quite ready for me yet. I mean I can be quite the challenge at times, so I'm sure my "one" is just preparing for me :)
I also love how Kelly talked about being single and attending church. Somedays I know I really long for a group of single ladies who are all in a similar stage of life as I am yet who all desire and long for similar things like me. I think that it would be easier to be involved if we could, as a group, be involved at church. In my head this group would be so awesome because we would be really open and honest with one another. It would be great to have others to go through this with. But then I start to think that what if all we did was complain and be depressed about the lack of "ones" in our lives. So maybe it's a blessing that I don't have this group currently.
I'm kind of looking forward to enjoying being single (you know maybe for like a month or two). It's not like I just got out of a relationship or anything but I feel like being single and not in college is going to be a completely different experience than being single and in college. So really I guess I'm just excited about this next stage of my life. I think it will be really good for me to come back and read this post in a few months when I'm not so excited about this stage of my life. Or, maybe I'll always be excited about it and that won't be necessary...but I do like to prepare for the worst :)

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