
dating vs. courting

i was watching 19 kids and counting a few weeks ago and heard an interesting statement. i don't remember it word for word but basically one of the older duggar girls was talking about the difference between dating and courting. as i remember, the big difference (to the duggar's) is that with dating the focus is on intimacy while with courting the focus is on deciding whether they would be suitable to marry...or something to that effect. basically i just remember sitting on the couch thinking that if the only differences were the ones just described then i think i'd rather be courted. which sounds so 19th century and completely out of the question in current society. and it's not like i'd want all physical conduct off the table, just certain things. and i don't really think i'd want that to be the main point of my relationship with the boy anyways. 
i've talked here before about how i don't think i'll ever be the girl who dates just to date. i mean i'm 23 and have had no desire for that so i seriously doubt i'll change how i feel. i mean it's not like i want to talk about marriage on the first date (cause i'm pretty sure that would just scare the boy away) but if after a while (and i'm talking like 3-4 dates) one (or both) of us thinks that there isn't any longterm potential then why would we continue? i'm not saying that i'd never talk to him again but why keep dating? i think i'm pretty sure i know what i want (or at least the general things i want) and i'm even more sure that i know what i don't want. and continuing a relationship with the hopes to change things about someone is a bad idea (or so i've heard)...
so if courting is really just dating without [a lot] of the intimacy that typically is associated with dating in today's society and with the intent to marry,  then bring on the courtship i say! i have another blog post planned where i talk about the whole physical aspect of dating (and how it kind of terrifies me/freaks me out) so if being courted means less touching and more talk of ring shopping then sign me up...seriously.

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