the day after national signing day i saw this tweet from a clemson friend...and died laughing! The kid that picked Auburn over Clemson because of Chickfila sounds about smart enough for Auburn.
and another clemson tweet...I can't tell girls apart anymore. Random t-shirt + black leggings + some kind of brown boots. Everyone looks the same
accounting humor...if there is such a thing
Chuck Norris Vs. Accounting
and now we're moving onto tweets about church
"Wait. Do I really have to raise my hands if the song says 'I lift my hands'?? Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite."
Jeans on Sunday morning? NO HE DIDN'T. (@ cofc_problems) [i know (deep down) that there is nothing wrong with jeans and church. i know i'll never be able to do it but that's just me...cause i'm a little crazy (i mean i don't even wear pants to church...just skirts & dresses) but i totally died when i saw this tweet.]
just funny...
How do all these effing celebrities wear scarves while out with kids?! I'm trying to do it and I just keep strangling myself.
and my favorite recent tweet by far....
I want to have twins one day. A boy and a girl so I can match his bow tie and her hair bow.