
six months

I feel like it's somewhat fitting for me to do a 6 month retrospective post today. These past 6 months have just flown by and things have changed for me. There are also a lot of things that have turned out quite differently than I might have imagined just 6 months ago. 
I've mentioned my favorite twins before but today they are six months old. But they have not really contributed to the craziness...just to the cuteness. And if I wasn't already obsessed with looking at the baby section every time I shopped, well now I certainly am. I mean I totally have a reason to buy things now. So April 13 was pretty cool because Jackson and Riggs arrived.
April 13 was also pretty important because it was the day that I sat for the first part of the CPA exam (Financial). I would later find out that I PASSED this section. I was (and still am actually) pretty proud of this. Financial was the section that I was terrified of the most and then add on that it was the first part we take, it was crazy stressful. But seeing the passing score made it all worth it. But now I have 18 months from April 13 to pass all 4 sections (I have one left currently...yay!). So it's a semi-convenient date because I have until Jackson and Riggs are exactly 18 months old to pass everything.
Back in April I was certainly expecting to have a job by now. And I don't. I feel oddly at peace with this. Maybe because I know (hope) that something is just around the corner. And that this will be the perfect job for me. Plus I've got to spend the last month with the twins, which was definitely better than any accounting job. I also would have never thought that I was going to almost not graduate. I seriously can't imagine how things would be currently if I had not made that A. But I'm so thankful that I did and graduation happened as planned.
It's so weird to no longer be in Clemson. Even when I'm hanging out in the upstate, it's odd not to be heading to campus for class all the time. But that's just life and I think 5 years was as much college as I was going to get out of my dad. That's totally okay too, it's kind of fun to not be in school.
When I think back to taking Financial, I really think that it was a blessing (for me at least, Cindy would disagree) that she ended up in the hospital the day before. I know I would have been having major panic attacks about Financial but somehow that wasn't important at all because the babies might be coming. And I was pretty excited to meet them. It's just so funny to look back and see how everything worked out. I would have never guessed when I scheduled the exam in February what all would be happening on that day. But now I'll never forget their birthday...or the day I passed Financial and really started this whole crazy CPA business. 
Happy 6 month birthday Jackson and Riggs. Auntie Staci is pretty excited to finish up studying and head back to see you again. Plus, at 6 months, it's definitely time to start learning letters...and maybe colors & numbers too!

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