
lady of diligence

"Although a single woman may long for the "chaos" of a family, she must not waste her time wishing for it." (page 25)

so i might end up saying this about each chapter but i really enjoyed this chapter. one of the things that i liked best about this chapter was the discussion about how single women should be using their free time to become more involved. during this "life stage" we naturally have more freedom and less distractions so we should take advantage of this and not become more emotionally distracted than a mom of many children. there are so many ways that we can serve if we just take that step of faith and get out there. i will totally admit that i'm really bad at taking this step. [currently i justify this thought with not really knowing what i'm doing/where i'm going to be in my life within the next few months...and i really like to think that once i'm settled somewhere i'll be really involved. i do know how much i loved when people my age-ish did activities with me in high school (confused yet?) so i definitely think i'd make an extra effort to do the same]

"Some singles see the lack of a mate as God denying them something for a more "noble purpose"-a cross to bear! Our selfish nature tends to focus on what we do not have rather than what we do have-free time-that can be used for others and ourselves. Is your life on hold until you have someone to hold? (page 28)

this above passage struck me as very interesting, especially the cross to bear part. i had never thought of being single like that, and i really hope that i ever won't think like that. however, it is something i could see myself rationalizing, especially if i'm in a similar state 7 years from now. (but that's 7 years away so it's all good) i also don't really think of God as denying me something. sure i want something that i don't currently have but i don't think that God is actively denying me this. i just think he knows that i'm not ready yet (or i like to think that the boy's just not ready yet) and that's okay. 

there was also a short story about a woman who dated incessantly in college but remained single longer than most expected her too. She would tell people that what helped her to remain satisfied was a "full place setting." One day she realized that she didn't need to be eating off of paper plates when she had good china and flatware in her hope chest. i laughed a little when i read this. it's totally not the same thing at all but my mom always tells me that i'm not getting a kitchen aid mixer until i register for one. it's such a small way in which i can relate to this story but it just makes me laugh. also because i like that this person decided she didn't have to wait until she had a mate to start living her life. i mean i totally plan on buying all sorts of nicer things once i have a job and an apartment. (i may also have a small yet insane desire to start a box (or closet) for my very unborn children...yup that might be the most insane thing you read all week...)

"Have you neglected some mission or ministry opportunities because you feared prolonging your unmarried state?" (page 30)
confession time--okay so i've never neglected a mission or ministry opportunity but i've certainly picked some over others in hopes of meeting "the one". and yes i do need to be active and not just pinning things all day, every day. but i should examine my motives for doing something or attending a certain event.

The chapter then talks about different ministry areas. some of my favorite ones listed are diligence and the ministry of writing, diligence and the ministry of hospitality, diligence and the ministry of teaching and diligence and the ministry of service. one of my favorite quotes from the entire book came from the diligence and the ministry of service section.
"your single state may not be permanent, but it definitely is not to be a comatose state until your Prince Charming arrives and whisks you off to his castle. Single women are not "sleeping beauties" waiting for their prince to fight his way through the thorns and past the wicked witch to finally kiss them awake. That is an allusion often used by the enemy to defraud women." (page 33)

"If all of our serving is before others, we will be shallow people indeed." (page 26)

(chapter 2 of lady in waiting)

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